
Jumat, 27 Maret 2015


Tari merak (peacocks dance) is constitute one of kreasi's dance new manner, that peacock style life. procedure and its movement taken from by appointed peacock life to stage by artist sunda raden TjeTjop sumantri's. 
Peacocks dance history actually indigenous pasundan's country, on year 1950 a choreographers named Tjetep Sumantri create peacock dance . accord by the name of it dances peacock to constitute implementation of peacock life. its main is male peacock whim while wants to entice female peacock. male peacock movement that wants aesthetical show its tail feather while wants to noise about clearly defined female peacock deep dance peacock.

Cloth color that used by dancers usually corresponds to peacock fur pattern. besides, dancer costume also been proveded with wing couple that applies to form from male peacock fur.
In its parade, peacock dance usually been featured ala gets couples with their dancer as peacock of masculine or female. with gending's song accompaniment leopard dancer starts menggerakan its body with limber within reason masculine peacock.

Lightsome peacock movement and fascinating pictured of peacock dance movement that full mirth and grace so no wonder if solar frequent peacock to be utilized to welcome peria's bride or as amusement for guest deep nuptials event. besides peacock dance also a lot of is featured deep event national or international. 

Study and gains control peacock dance movement so agreeable. besides to add science can also to keep up indonesian culture

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